The 28th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro aims to serve women in need unassisted by the current health system that need specialized care being able to include patients of all ages and which are biological or psychological characteristics indicating their inclusion. The estimated number of outpatient visits, with the planned reform is about 1200 patients / month with 100 surgeries / month.
Target population
Create mechanisms for prevention and not only the treatment of established diseases.
Organize activities to first educate the medical community, aimed at providing uniform health and high technical-scientific level for the female population.
Medical information will aim preventive attitudes:
- Promote women’s health through information, education and guidance on the changes
- occur in the body at different stages of life;
- Perform screening of gynecological cancer and breast;
- Perform screening of patients at risk for osteoporosis;
- Advise prevention of osteoporosis and osteo-articular diseases, using suitable therapy when
- required;
- Perform screening of patients at risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;
- Provide advice on family planning and sexuality;
- Identify, treat or refer to treat patients with concomitant diseases;
- Providing hormone replacement therapy, according to its indications and contraindications.
Human Resources
We have a Staff of 40 Doctors VOLUNTEERS, enabled gynecological care as a whole, specifically in the area of Gynecology, Mastology, Infertility, Menopause, Contraception, and cardiologists, rheumatologists, Nutritionists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, also all Volunteers, trained to work with doctors and care to the population.
Initial contact
The woman, on reaching the 28th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro, is forwarded to the gynecologist or health care professional team that will establish, together with it, their needs, sending it to the specific area.
Medical consultation
The gynecologist must register in proper form, all data relating to the registration of the patient through:
- anamnesis;
- reason for consultation;
- gynecological and obstetrical history;
- pathological medical history;
- habits;
- family history;
- general physical examination;
- gynecological and breast examination.
After consultation with the gynecologist to the patient must be ordered the additional tests needed, as appropriate:
- Bilateral mammography high-resolution then, where appropriate, ultrasound of the breasts;
- ultrasound trans-abdominal or pelvic transvaginal;
- bone densitometry spine and hips;
- cervicovaginal cytology collection in threefold;
- Laboratory tests: complete blood count, blood glucose, lipid profile, urinalysis.
The patient should be referred for consultation with a rheumatologist, psychologist, plastic surgeon, breast cancer specialist or nutritionist, as appropriate.
From the test results, it will be instituted appropriate therapeutic management (medical or surgical), including hormonal, if applicable.
Every time there is a suspicion of breast cancer, suggested by mammography, stereotactic will carry out to ensure that the region of the affected breast will be investigated properly.
In the case of breast cancer, for patients who may have indication for radical mastectomy, the plastic surgeon core will be called to evaluate the opportunity and indication of completion of the reconstruction of the amputated breast. Tell yourself that the infirmary keeps breast clinics and plastic surgeons with adequate training in the techniques mastectomy with immediate reconstruction.
With this measure we are filling a gap in the care of our needy patients who do not have access to this type of care and treatment.
Final considerations
The 28th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro has performed over the years, home to several scientific studies related to the area of medical research.
Virtually all new drugs that will be marketed there undergo research, where patients are enrolled in studies where they receive all the medical care, in addition to medications.
The 28th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro has organized, over the years, a significant number of symposiums and congresses, with the intention to provide updated information to health professionals.
At the 28th Infirmary of the Santa Casa was born the Brazilian Society of Climacteric (Sobrac), now has about 1,500 members, with Prof. Alkindar Soares.
His doctors participate in numerous educational activities and also linked to professional associations and the Ministry of Health consultants to matters of Climacteric and Contraception, having actively participated in the preparation of manuals of procedures in these areas.
Therefore, the 28th Infirmary of the Santa Casa da Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro can establish a new model of care to the underserved populations of the state and the city of Rio de Janeiro where the main beneficiaries will be the women of Rio de Janeiro.