- Making hospital report (history and physical examination);
- Evolve daily patients in medical records;
- Assist in carrying out prescriptions and requests for examinations under the guidance of the teacher and / or physician assistant or resident responsible for the patient;
- Help control clinical documentation of the patient;
- Do discharge summary under the guidance of medical staff;
- Attend the medical examination of the patient, along with the resident doctor and assistant;
- Seeing patients in their requests, informing the resident doctor about the change in status thereof;
- Performing simple procedures under the supervision of clinical staff;
- Participate in clinical sessions and scientific meetings of the Service.
Resident Physicians
- Participate in the development of hospital report (complete drafting or additions to the admission of the internal report, when necessary, duly signed and stamped);
- Assist in the daily supervision of the changes made by internal, writing additions and comments where necessary;
- Be responsible for the timely delivery of prescriptions;
- Ask for opinions, expensive tests and complete long-term justification of patients;
- Be responsible for the execution of the traced pipelines, discussed individually or in groups bed (round or clinic session);
- Perform procedures under the supervision of clinical staff;
- Participate in clinical sessions and scientific meetings of the Service.
Physicians - Post-Graduates
- Assist in the daily supervision of the changes made by internal, writing additions and comments where necessary;
- Ask for opinions, expensive tests and complete long-term justification of patients;
- Be responsible for the execution of the traced pipelines, discussed individually or in groups bed (round or clinic session);
- Perform procedures under the supervision of clinical staff;
- Participate in clinical sessions and scientific meetings of the Service.
Physicians-assistants (clinical staff)
- Take full responsibility for inpatient diagnostic investigation since the therapeutic approach, placing the willingness of family members to better clarification of procedures performed;
- Change conduct of another doctor only when it is a matter of urgency and in the absence thereof;
- Sign and stamp in the chart the evolution of the internal;
- Add printing and diagnostic conclusions during hospitalization or at least, at discharge;
- Stamping requests from high-cost exams, long stay and discharge summary, when done by the internal;
- Be responsible for the preparation of discharge summary, transfer report on letterhead, duly typed, signed and stamped.
Head of Clinic
- Help integrate the team maintaining a channel for dialogue between the various professionals involved in the patient;
- Set conduct clearly so that they can be performed more quickly and correctly.