From March to March 2019/2021
Responsible Coordinator: Prof. Silvio Silva Fernandes
Modules - Ementary
- Module I: Breast Development
- Module II: benign changes
- Module III: Breast Imaging
- Module IV: malignant changes
- Module V: Special Cases
- Module VI: Therapeutic Approach
- Module VII: Supplementary Treatment
Practical Activities: Ambulatory and Surgery Center
- Practice: Mammography
- Practice: Ultrasonography
- Practice: Clinic
- Practice: Surgical Center
- Practice: Chemotherapy
- Practice: Radiotherapy
- 1st Selection: November and December 2018
- 2nd Selection: January and February 2019
Auditorium of the 28th Ward of the Holy House of Mercy – RJ
Registration: Secretariat of the 28th Ward<br />Rua Santa Luzia, 206 - Castelo - Cep: 20.020-022